Monday, August 9, 2010

Tiger Diaries

Motors operandi

When humans start to play with nature, the nature reverts back too, humans will never understand that, that they will not be able do anything without the involvement of nature. If he creates a machine, mother nature gives the raw material, so that means that the humans never gives the pulse in the machine, the pulse is given by only nature no one else.

Now tigers are almost finished in this world, and whole world knows that.

It is difficult to get complete and accurate numbers of existing tigers, due to many factors. The tiger's are scattered and the nature of the tiger itself, are just a few of those difficulties. It is estimated; currently the total is between 3000 and 4000, tigers living in the WILD (this estimation does not include tigers in captivity). And India is the only country where most number of tigers exist, and for this reason we have a big responsibility to protect them.

The species total is:-
Bengal Tiger: 1411
Indochene’s Tiger : 600 - 800 or less
South Chinese Tiger : Less than 15
Siberian Tiger : Around 400
Sumatran Tiger : 300 - 350
Malayan Tiger : Less than 400
There are some tiger species that have died out completely due to us “humans”. A hundred or so years ago there were well over 10,000 tigers. As of March 2010, there are just 3200 tigers left in the world.
The officials are sitting in an air conditioned rooms, round table conferences, the mineral water bottles, coffee sips, and 17 “ardali’s” are around to see, if sir wants anything we are here for any type of service, the humanology of Indian political leaders and officials is quite difficult to understands in these conferences, actually if you want to understand anything this is very important for you to start from grassroots and come close for it, if you really wants to understand the problem.

The tiger’s entity is now almost finished in India, only 1411 members are left in India, as per survey’s says.

If the tigers are killed like this, its not that far that we ask our 25 years old son, “ son do you know about the tiger?” the last tiger was murdered two years back, and the coming generation will research on tiger’s, just like a today’s scientist research’s on Dinosaur’s.

S.A.V.E ( Socially Active Volunteer Environment ) now trying to know about the ground level problems, what is the actual face of tiger in India, and how authentic are the Government’s records about tiger.

India has 39 tiger reserve’s, the central and the state government take care of the expenses of all the 39 tiger resaves and maintain them with a broad heart, the reserve’s main attraction are tigers, and the Gov. entertains the tourists for increase the tourism in India and the tourism revenue too.

The question which arises now is how much is being cared for those innocent creatures, who help to fill the government treasures, at-least people of India have right to know, that how much the government spends on these reserves and what is the government doing to save the Tiger Kingdom. Some of the questions have now raised their heads and are showing their self-importance.

S.A.V.E will try to find the answer for all those questions.

Some of them are :-

How may tiger’s are actually living in these reserve’s?

How much land that these reserve’s use as a cushion land ?

Why villagers are taking revenge and killing tigers?

How poachers are hunting tigers ?

Is the tiger easily accessible in reserves ?

we have many more questions to ask and find there answer’s from this journey.

We will cover all the seventeen state’s where the Tiger Reserve’s are situated, there are 39 tiger reserves in 17 states of India, they are - Madhya Pradesh, Maharshtra, kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh,West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand and Rajasthan.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

bhgwa rang main talibaani farmaan....!

इतहास के पन्नो को अगर पलट कर देखा जाये, तो धरम कोई भी हो, औरत को बड़ा महत्व दिया गया है, फिर भी न जाने क्यों औरत को ऐसा लगता है की यह उसकी आजादी में खलल है, यह उसकी आजादी छीनना जेसी कोई बात है, और औरत को कमज़ोर समझा जाता है, ऐसा अकेली औरत के साथ ही नहीं है, कमज़ोर तो हर उस इंसान को समझा जाता है जिस के पास ताक़त नहीं है, अगर ताक़त नहीं है तो वोह कमज़ोर है और ताक़तवर उस को दबा ता चला जाये गा, ऐसा सिर्फ औरत के लिए नहीं है, करीब १४०० साल पहले जब कुरान इस ज़मीन पर आया, तो उस मैं हर तरह की बात बताई गई, न के सिर्फ जिहाद, कुरान दरअसल एक रूहानी किताब है जिस को अल्लाह ने इसलिए भेजा के इंसान उस किताब के ज़रिये अपने ज़िन्दगी को बेहतर ढंग से गुज़र सके, न के जीहलत और जानवर बन के, बच्चा जब पहली जमात में अता, है तब उस को (ABC) पढाई जाती है, सिंखाना शुरू करा जाता है, और धीरे धीरे वोह जमातें पढ़ता जाता और उस (ABC) से वोह दुनिया की हर वोह जानकारी हासिल करता है , जो वोह जानना चाहता है यह वोह जो नहीं जनता है,वोह उस पढ़ी हुई कितबों का सही इस्तेमाल भी करता है और बुराई मैं भी उस का इस्तेमाल करता है, बच्चे के पहली जमात से आखिरी जमात तक अच्छा और नेक इंसान बन्ने की नसीहतें दी जाती है, इस ही लिए उस को पढाया जाता है इन्सान बनाया जाता है, कुरान अपने आप में पैदा होने से से लेकर ज़िन्दगी की आखरी लम्हे तक की किताब है, जिस मैं वोह हार वोह चीज़ सिखा ता है जो इंसान को बेहतर बना ने के लिए है, इस्लाम औरत के खिलाफ नहीं है बलके उनकी बेहतरी के लिए कुछ काएदे कानून बना ता है जो मर्द के लिए भी उतने ही ज़रोरी है जितने औरत के लिए, अब उस किताब को कई लोग अपनी ज़िन्दगी में उतार कर बेहतर ज़िन्दगी गुज़र ते हैं, और कई उस किताब की चुनींदा और जिन का मतलब बहुत बारीक है उस को ग़लत तरीके से पेश कर के अपना उल्लू सीधा करते हैं, जेसा के तालिबानों ने अपनी सात्ता की लालसा मैं और उस को हासिल कर ने के लिए अपने मतलब को जिहाद का नाम देकर इस्लाम को बदनाम कर दिए, जिस का खाम्यज़ा आज पूरी मुसलमान क़ोम उठा रही है, इस्लाम और को बे-पर्दा इसलिए नहीं करना चाहता के औरत मैं वोह ताक़त है जो मर्द में मैं नहीं है, पर शयेद औरत उस ताक़त को पहचान ना ही नहीं चाहती है, या पहचान कर भी , (शतुर मुर्घ ) की तरह,अपनी आंखे मुंध कर उस शिकारी हमले को देखना ही नहीं चाहती है, तालिबानी फरमान में औरत को बुर्का पहनना लाजिम है, इंडोनेशिया में औरतों के तंग कपड़ों की जगह उन को ढीले कपडे पहनाने के लिए हिदायत दी जा रही है, और दुनिया के कई मुल्क ऐसे है जहाँ अब औरतों को तंग कपडे पहने से मना करा जा रहा है, औरतें इस के खिलाफ हैं की उनकी आजादी छीनी जा रही है, चाहे वोह मुसलमान हो या अब हिन्दू, क्यों की हिन्दुस्तान भी अब इस भगवा तालिबानी फरमान से अछूता नहीं रहा है, बजरंग दल ने कह दिया है की हिन्दू लड़कियां तंग या जिस्म देखने वाले कपडे न पहने.....लिखने के लिए बहुत कुछ है पर मजबूर हूँ ...क्या सिर्फ कुरान ही कहता है की औरतों को परदे में रहने रखा जाये ?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

only 3 things of major destructions= (IPL)

The IPL storm is now thought to be something less, T.V News Channels also started to reduce the uproar now .. is not fun either now, or in the Government of being exposed as such big names. TV channels has the mind of .. the white clothes in the mud, so people will not be counted that how many white collared people involve in this MUDYY game, Government is also seems on back-foot track .. now the government is coming ... (IPL) after the uproar ( BCCI) eyes open or the BCCI pretending to opening eyes and just blink like a cute new born baby. just not to understand what is going on …it is a little hard to get ... how the common man understands whole story they need a brain (DEEMAGH)... if they have brain’s they also investors in (IPL) not only the biggest big shots our country's. Indian IT department is not the answer ... they keep an eye on Lalit Modi from last 6 months, why are they not raid ?. Is someone is blocking them ..! Who did this people will never know .. when ever any scandal happened in our country the government announced quickly made inquiry committee, when committee keeps their words and put their report the report has been challenged in parliament ...the committee looks like fool .. ..... if we inquire about inquiry committee more than a government offices ,now no one can touches that vein where the story began .. the south African model Gabriella Demetriades which came to India for miss IPL bollywood contestant. The sources said Lalit Modi and Gabriella Demetriades have closest relationship, here are saying it because of the small limit game. . .. in which now become war domination Tharoor sacrifice his own chair, and now the circumstances is so many will sacrifice their things….God know’s …an old phrase is ( the destruction is depends on just only 3 things ZAR ( Jewel’s ) Zameen ( Land ) and JORU ( Women ).

Friday, March 26, 2010


The money is heavy on patriotism, now this is a straight example being witnessed, as one hand holds the cricket is the second religion in Indian , why it happens the other hand, we are prepared to fool, and we are made, India's Jai Jai, the Indian cricket team player who always shouting with … like …jai ho… jai… ho, where a lot of big names who now assumes the GOD Indian cricket, Sachin Tendulkar's bat boss who is a fire cloak on the front side, heard and see it too, why not go looking like a fire has started now, why not go even this fire is started when the need is now in T-20 World cup, now its hard to resist that money is more power full on anything and its likes now money can fire shower, somewhere the not only in strength remaining, this a very strange thing and very shameful act, many of us do not know cricket, but who are aware they must know it's Sachin tendulkar is the God of Indian crickt, and he is the backbone of this Indian cricket, Sir Sachin played a complete IPL: all for money is up for all, he earned million’s but now India is really need his short, he just gives reason, lack of health and he choose to avoid T-20 World Cup, it's a shame, the people of India know that for them made it into Sachin is the God of Indian cricket and whatever credits he have, and now sachin making a drama for not going to T-20 World cup ... God is not made mistakes, but the fact is when human turns a God they negligible …for some of …………$M

Sunday, March 21, 2010

IPL is a Cricket game or Poker gambling ...? hard to defrenciat...!!!

Now the indian governments should take some step for legalization betting for IPL , because it is now a child knows batter why IPL held in our country …why this drama of IPL League is happens... We own accept all foreign tradition So why are not made to be betting legal, like a (EPL) –( English Premier League Football ). how long we will continue our tradition of crying in India is not have speculation, we do everything , but not “Satta” we are not “satoriyas” ... except that it contains no public speculation, Why (IPL) was cleared ..?- brother it is called Khopcha - How am telling you ... when our potential bollywood star realize..that the cricket is the second religion in india... one and only bollywood star to start thinking about how to convert illegal money into legal... after all effort he make this miracle done by only one person, (IPL) had been started 3 years back ... and many industrialist are starting to walk behind him, some decades back ballywood made movies for entertainment and for a good massage they want to send this society, but today all for just entertainment and making messages are understood, because today the Bollywood is on the same path what Hollywood already walk…and bollywood is making money with Monarajn .. . Now the name will not enroll here it’s a secret ... but I can gives u a hint !!!.... he is the one who enough for whole bollywood …!! When I heard that a single team bought nearly 70cr,I was shocked it’s a huge- huge amount for only cricket…? I don’t think so there is only for a cricket or an entertainment…!! this huge amount goes to team players only were, they dried takes sweet home..!! ... the other cost is on team cannot be counted ... players spend variety of costs and expenses, if I will start to write here the page will finished but the list of expenses will not be end... what do you think that this fight is just for 8cr the wining price .. it seems to me not the Indian business mans are not so stupid ... the story starts now the police have so many responsibilities our country's security and countless crimes in such a new block has called (IPL).. approximately 45 days between police and the bookies - who play separate match except the police and their partners .. bookies and their partners ... Now have no lamp of Aladdin to stopped speculation in minutes .... this story will end ,they finally caught some CHIRKUT bookies,

.... And another thing - if you understand the betting is ... so don’t put your money on the big team.... just put on some unusual team …or on a common players, play this cricket poker gamble like a royal player don’t forget that your gambling with a great gamblers of the world ..…

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is The Identity Card Enough for Daily Bread..?

thousand or two thousand coror’s projects are just get started in India, like bought some fruit from a fruit shop, like one kilo of grapes and half kg of apples, today’s new project of INDIA, Nandan Nilekani has told to government one of UIDAI are (Unique Identification Authority of India) now this project is going to kick start its approx 120 coror’s and its end on approx 1900 carore’s , a huge amount for just an identity cards, Is this… Indian are really need this card ..?, a bit difficult to understands the right of a public in this free country, or government is just announced like a dictator, or just given a decree, you still have to buy sugar is Rs 40/- per kg and 28/-rs kg you have to pay for milk, but the most important thing is that , the cow are not started eat some more than usual, the agriculture land is not going started to eat some DESI GHEE or MAWA for generating a big sugarcanes, nothing has happened, just the story is so many capitalist who wants to increase their capital, and who is poor because of poverty who suicide, that he try’s at least one man's burden with his life at home are less, our country figure says, in 2000-2001 - 328/- rs for rurals and 445/- rs for an urbans -

and in another survey 2005 2006 368/ rs for rural and 560/ rs for urban they have atleast enough money in their pockets to survive in India, and what is the real condition is of our Villagers the whole world knows batter then Indian government, now the question is in this country the person wherever like to fight for daily meals, what is the purpose of this identity card have perfect for this government to do, don’t know how much it will work for coming time will tell, but the next time to correct what we have today to finish and the men died from poverty,the only way to die like insects, we are far from our daily requirements, a healthy food, a roof on our head, a enough education system and have more and more things to do first here, …the government of India given approx 1500 caror for this project is a smart move for Indians or its just a move, we don’t know and we never know, why the affluent people or organizations are not gives projects for Poor’s to help for earn their daily bread...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Women to this day reservations, you have to give them the right? Or for them to decide that womes are less than mans ? So this thing around to make reservations is decide , the women less than men, the reservation is given to those who have a less extent, that’s not decide they work hard or something els Whatever reservations one kind favor is, now that one side wants women gave them the right to be exonerated once his Abla who wants to get all benefits , I have seen many cases with woman is raped, who is really very shame full act and it has to be punished, but some of cases, woman live with a man several months and one day suddenly she deny her relationship with that man, and the man was accused for her rape, the fact is behind this woman could not tell it... but it does not mean to be a woman unless she wishes everyone merrily -merrily making and If a bit of her will not work, than it means the who suffer all his life, whatever is opposed reservation does not know me Who is right or wrong, or the woman be given the status of women or woman is now being considered equal to men then, we have to change many things

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Statue feels hungry

March 7, red carpet is going to colorful once again, among the world's beautiful and intelligent people are fight , for their intelligence, and beauty, what a lovely war is going to be start, which will not be any blood ,no gun shots, no runs no deadbodies and no one wounded, they all together and to cheer for each other and the their morale, last year when the Oscar goes for Best Picture ..Slum Dog Millionaire the movie win eight statues, when I heard the indian movie win eight Oscars, i feel a bit proud on my own ,that finally we walk on red carpet, and not out with empty hands, in my mind I am starting to compare the slum dog millionaire with movies like, The Reader , Beautiful Mind, troy and Gladiator that the Slum dog Millionaire is more beautiful film to compare all, but when I saw the Slum Dog Millionaire, and that song JAI HO I thought what the hell is this …what the jury did with Oscars statues why they raped with this lifeless statue Oskar ,its just like a vegetable It came to be, and I thought oh man, oscar have also a khopcha, me I don’t belive that Europeans can do Khopcha, Now you must be wondering what it is Khopcha, I tell you .

Khopcha kho p cha you can also use khupcha
Or - wool = to achieve anything ... less time to work was making a big shot ...
Mood is down and ups, our political leaders, does not have any faith in party today they are in one party and tomorrow they change the other one

A poor man's house Loan-that , he is not able to pay his house loan installment, so the bank will sell his property and recover the money,the other side the bank will more flexible with rich person
And tomorrow is a an Oscar night, whatever ,nominees are, How they did Khopcha like slum Because if the dog, like movies blessed with Oskar, poor thing done by those movie in which Sunny brother protect his country would give their lives are far,

I thought of actually, when I write something I would try for red carpet …but now no story ever written will try to write such a time, rose to red carpet ... but now the feeling is firs got the money and money made goes to ,Oskar jury is to hunger for an intelligence but there is no longer, Now in stomach for the inflation scenario should have, now after 80 years the statue feels hungry ……

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

idiots are not showing the taint ..of someones forhead.....

Why the success of  My name is khan is  associated with  3 Idiots, Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan Fan’s of its own, but if some do both fans are same, which are also like Aamir and Shahrukh…

But at least we do not compare, these two Films, “3 Idiots” was on a completely different story and presentation, and the other side of  “my name is khan” is totaly different, and the two of  Films Say there differences ….ways of humanity….
Shah Rukh Khan, that’s called ( RIZWAN ) he placed his hand on the pain of one race, and that is in very bad condition today in the whole world, the issue is not of a single man,…the whole issue is for a race, and the TAINT, is the result of  international politics is trying the roast of this race, because of the cruel  publicity of  ISLAM…. placed in the world, because one of the common Muslims took to himself a criminal…and a TERRORIST …

The film has been shown of the person who initially hurt by particular people, who also from his own race and community, but they are different from all…. this film is not just for those who are out of India and that  happene’s only with them, every corner of the world Muslims today  living with this terrorist…. TAINT…on their foreheads... 

While itself a 3 Idots, shows a new path  for our coming generation, were the parents are counts of their own children’s by only a Mark-sheet’s..

and the man who hunted by International Politics….and the man who fight for his own presence in this world…my name is  “ KHAN ”  and I am not a terrorist ………….!!!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am the architect of my own disturction

It was December 1977, when a child opened his eyes to this world, and after his birth, his house was filled with cheerfulness and merriness. His house was filled with happiness and, rejoicing his delighted mother said that after his birth, things have started to change. Arman’s mother -Shahana Ali, married at the age of 16, to Mr. Mohd. Wadud, was 40 years old…!!She was married to a man who was 24 years elder to her and was almost her father’s age. They got married. Because, she belonged to a very poor family. Her parents were penniless, so much so, that if they had food for lunch, they could not be sure, whether they’ll have food for dinner. At this situation, Shahana’s parents got a proposal from such an affluent family, who belonged to one of the richest families in town..But he had left his possessions and belongings. He owned a house, and at that time, possessing a house, and that too the biggest house in town, was enough a reason for making this marriage possible Shahana’s parents, accepted this offer, and got her married, without asking her, because at that time, having girls was considered a great sin, whatever religion it was, whether they were judged as mother goddess or respected like having heavens at the mother’s feet, no matter what it was, it happens whatever is written in destiny....

Shahana got married, and she came to her husband’s house. Shahana’s husband was from a royal family but was a very kind man, so he allowed Shahana’s parents to also live with them. And they started living together. He owned big possessions, but he was not interested in his property, and he had left all his belongings!He had lived the beautiful part of his life completely…So, he only had a house of his own, where he lived, he had separated from his family. But he got wheat for whole year; they had lots of wealth and agricultural land. This was a support from one brother to another. Now, the problem was not of earning daily bread, but they were bothered of growing up their kids.After marriage, they had three children, eldest daughter Sehba , and two sons, Shehzaan  , and Rehaan . And now, Abdul Wadud’s health was deteriorating.He developed cancer, which was incurable, there was no remedy to it, and even if there was, they could not get it treated, because they could not afford it. Now Shahana was 22, and started working as a teacher, in a private school.Because, her husband was bed-ridden now. He was not in a condition to work. But life is cruel, ant it keeps on moving! It halts only when breath of life comes to an end. Otherwise, there’s always a struggle to win between us and life. And for this reason, we continue living….!Shahana had to look after her house completely now including her kids and her husband. When she was still making an effort to take care of everything, life slapped her once more, her husband died. A young girl of 22, having 3 children, was left alone in this cruel world ….

We can turn the pages of history and see that mighty always curbs the weak, and everyone’s trying to rule the world by wiping out each other. Ever since the origination of life, curbing the week has been considered to open the doors of success.Shahana, has to take care of her children, give them good health, as well as protect herself from the hungry wolves wandering in our society. This was, very difficult, at least, for a lonely woman.  And, all this happened at the time, when widow’s life use to be made hell for her whole life. There was no one to help her, or console her, and even if somebody tried to sympathize with her, it was not accepted in our society, or by the principles ruling our society. Shahana continued with her job, along with taking care of her children. Even at her work place, behavior of others with her, was not very good. People, considering her unfortunate, use to stay at a distance from her, or they should be cursed with her bad luck  !Shahana use to live at her husband Mr. Wadud’s house, which after his death was now on her name.  This was the only good thing that Shahana’s husband did for Shahana, in his whole life. Even on this, people all around her, the white collar people of the society, had their wicked eyes on her house. He was Shahana’s sister in law’s husband, Tazdeek khan.

He registered a case for that house in the court, and claimed that, it belonged to her wife, which has been seized by Shahana forcefully…Shahana, now had to tackle with many problems, raising her kids, walking up and down the court, and above all, the problems confronted by a widow in the society...

It is very difficult for a woman to undertake all this, but she continued living with it. Tazdeek sent intimidators to her house; he frightened her, harassed her and threatened her to death. He use to send people to her house at night to frighten her innocent kids. Her kids use to get frightened at each whisper…..Her kids always craved for an angel in their lives. That someday, someone would come and put an end to all their hardships….Jahangir khan was from a magnificent family, but he always kept himself away from his luxurious and lavish life, because he was not fascinated by his forefathers’ property….He was a self dependent man, even though belonging to such an affluent family, he paid his college fees himself !  He was a calm, candid, modest and an unpretentious man. He was pure at heart, and always spoke what his heartfelt…
For some extra income, Shahana wanted to learn Arabic, because she might get a better job after knowing Arabic. Because in 1960’s, nawabs were ruling
Bhopal, and majority of population comprised of Muslims. Arabic was taught in schools, so Shahana thought of learning Arabic by getting a trainer…A friend of Jahangir was an English teacher in the same school,…Maulana Azad School, where Shahana worked. This might be a coincidence…Shahana spoke to one of her fellow colleagues, to search for an Arabic trainer….Shastri told Jahangir that there’s one widow who wants to learn Arabic. Jahangir was also in need of money, because even while living in his house, he was independent, and self-supporting. He use to work as a home tutor to make some money...

So, he agreed with Shastri, and went to Shahana’s house. When he first saw Shahana, he couldn’t believe that she was a married woman, and that too a widow..

‘How come such a young girl became widow and can life be so cruel?!’ he was still thinking, when-

Shahana- ‘who are you?’

Jahangir told about himself and said-‘I am Jahangir, you told Mr. Shastri, that you are searching for an Arabic teacher….’
Shahana- Oh! Come, come inside.

Although, Shahana’s house was very big, but at that time, houses use to be big, but crude and unpolished. Shahana occupied only two rooms…One was kitchen, and the other was for all other purposes. Rest of the house was raw. There was an empty expanse area, a big porch and rest of the rooms had raw roof. There was not enough space for Jahangir to sit.

There was a chair; one of its hand rest was broken, and legs, about to collapse! If somebody sat on that chair, he would not be able to talk, rather would be concentrating on balancing himself… Although Jahangir sat on that chair, but he was talking less and focusing more on balancing…They decided to start the classes from next day at 5’o clock.  And then, Jahangir started teaching Arabic from the other day.

As time passed by, he started spending more time with Shahana, and gradually came to know her more closely. Jahangir was now coming more across with Shahana’s problems….And unintentionally, not wanting to, but still, he came close to Shahana, it was love or sympathy, even he was not able to understand….At one side, he could see Shahana’s miserable life, and on the other side was the reputation of his royal family, because he belonged to an eminent family of the town.Even wanting to, he could not help Shahana in any way….Every day, he could see, one or the other problems faced by her, sometimes the dearth of money, now and then lawyer’s demand for money, and he could also see Shahana getting helpless for some daily requisites…when we see others smiling and laughing, we think that everything’s perfect in their lives,

and we are the only ones facing problems.But, when we return from our thoughts, we again see our problems standing firmly there itself, and for which, we have to hunt for solutions…

And sometimes we have to do such things, which are not accepted by our own heart and mind. …Now, people of the society also started talking about them, as Shahana was a widow, but young!. As she was all alone, people started pointing out to her…When four people gather around anywhere, in a neighborhood, in their offices, in a tea shop, or at any stall, they need a subject matter to make fun of , along with their sip of tea or  while smoking!
These are those people, who might have the same situation at their homes, what they are talking about. The only difference is that they can curtain up their homes, while that person cannot..!As those people are left unveiled, by their helpless situation, and unfortunate destiny. This continued for a long time. Gradually, Jahangir started spending more time with Shahana. Now, Shahana could also realize that Jahangir was more close to her….She also had to anyhow survive and live her life full of hardships. But she was a widow! And with that tag, she was not allowed to live her life of her choice.  But  now, her heart also started beating for someone…
Note :  ( I'm working on a story, some of pages I'am leaving here…please send reviews...) mail me:-,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shiv Sena have paper tigers.....

Question = what is terrorism ...?
Answer = 

 1.       the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
ये बात हम सब जानते हैं  पर कहने से डरते हैं क्यों डरते हैं यह हम भी नहीं जानते...क्या हम शिव सेना को आतंकवाद को बढावा देने वाली पार्टी नहीं कह सकते  क्यों की कर तो यह भी वोही रहे हैं, जो आतंकवादी करते हैं, आज हम सरहद पार के आतंकवादीयों से डरते हैं, और अब हम अपने ही देश में अपने मनोरंजन के लिए नहीं जा सकते, क्या इस को आतंकवाद नहीं कहेंगे  है ….? हमारे देश का संविधान कहाँ सो रहा है..? कानून कहाँ सो रहा है ...? की इस तरह की खुले आम धमकियाँ देने के बाद भी उस पर कोई कर्रावई नहीं हो रही है ......? यह बाद शाहरुख़ खान और शिव सेना के बीच है, जो आज हम को नज़र आ रही है, लेकिन ऐसा उनलोगों के साथ भी हो रहा है, जो शारुख खान जेसे नहीं हैं, जेसे के वोह उत्तर प्रदेश के ग़रीब जिन के घर मैं दो वक़्त की रोटी नहीं है, जो रोटी की जुगाड़ में सिर्फ बंबई ही नहीं, सारे देश मैं भटक ते हैं , उनको सिर्फ दो वक़्त की रोटी जुगाड़ करना है, न के कोई पार्टी चलाना है, बम्बई या देश का कोई भी शहर क्या उनका है जो वहां जनम से रह रहे हैं, तो फिर तेल्नागना को अलग करना क्यों ग़लत मन जाता है ? क्यों कश्मीर के मुद्दे को ग़लत मन जा रहा है ...? और  जो अपने प्रदेश की लड़ाई लड़ रहे हैं उनको क्यों ग़लत मन जा रहा है ...? इस का मतलूब है की वोह एक पार्टी बनाये और इस तरह रसूक हासिल करके अपनी मन मानी कर सकते हैं ? भारत में काई ज़ात और धरम के लोग मौजूद हैं , की आने वाले वक़्त मैं,उनकी जान की हिफाज़त कोन  करेगा ..........? यह बहुत शर्म की बात है, एक तरफ हम लोकतंत्र को चिल्ला ते हैं दूसरी तरफ, घुंडा गर्दी का एक तरफ़ा शिकार होते रहते हैं, इस तरह खुले आम घुंडा गर्दी करने वाली पार्टियों के खिलाफ हमरे देश के कानून को कोई न कोई क़दम उठा न चाहिए, सरकार का काम अगर सारकार नहीं कर रही है, तो संविधान क्यों बनाया गया है, कानून क्यों बनाया गया है, क्या हम इस तरह ही सिसक सिसक के और डार डर के अपने ही देश में रहंगे... हम अपने ही देश में अपनी बात नहीं कह सकते, आज पाकिस्तानी खिलाडियों को भारत बुला ने पर इतना बवाल मचा रही है शिव सेना जब कहाँ थी जब ऑस्ट्रेलिया में भारतीय छात्रों को मारा जा रहा था और नसल के नाम पर उनका घर से निकलना हरम हो गया था, उस वक़्त शिव सेना को भारत के भारतियों की इज्ज़त का ख्याल नहीं आया, जब गोरे भारततिओं को भगा भगा कर मार रहे थे...ना ही शिव सेना के शेर बालासाहेब ठाकरे , न ही उनके शावक उध्हाव ठाकरे  और न ही मनसे के मराठी मानुष राज ठाकरे.....कोई सामने नहीं आया औस्त्रलियों का सामना करने के लिए .....अब इन काकाज के शेरों को रद्दी की टोकरी में दल देना चाहिए....यह सिर्फ काकाज के शेर हैं, जो अपने घर मैं पालतुओं की तरह रहते हैं, ना के शेरों की तरह पुरे जंगल मैं .......

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

national game on Compassion ....?

होकी हमारे देश का राष्ट्रीय खेल है, और हम को इस पर नाज़ होना चाहिए, पर ऐसा है नहीं होकी फेडरेशन के हालात से तोह ऐसा नहीं लगता के हम इस पर नाज़ करें, अगर हम दुसरे देशों के राष्ट्रीय खेलों पर नज़र डालेंगे तोह उन खेलो की इतनी बुरी हालत नहीं मिलेगी जितनी हम को हिंदुस्तान मैं होकी की मिलेगी, हिंदुस्तान प्रगतिशील देश है, और ऐसे देश मैं जहाँ इंसान तेज़ी से तार्राकी कर रहा है,इतनी तार्राकी कर चूका है की 40 रुपये  किलो की शक्कर खा रहा है और दालों का तो नाम ही न लीजिये गह, नई नई तकनीकों से अपने आप को बड़ा साबीत करने मैं लगा हुआ है, ऐसे में राष्ट्रीय खेल का यह हश्र,सच मैं अफ़सोस का मुक़ाम है, आज होकी का यह हाल है की न तो कोई उसको देखना चाहता है न ही खेल न अब अगर यह सवाल पुचा जाये की  क्यों ? तोह इस का जवाब आपके सामने है, वोह तोह भला हो सहारा समूह का जिस ने 1 करोर की भीक होकी फेडरेशन की झोली मैं समय रहते डाल दी, जिस के लिए सहारा की जितनी तारीफ की जाये कम है, और फेडरेशन के लिए डूब मरने वाली बात है पर यह कोई नई बात तोह है नहीं, ( भला हम क्यों डूब  के मरे ) इस भीक से यह साबित हो गया की अगर सहारा समूह यह पेसे नहीं देता, तो ( इ लव माय इंडिया ) और(मेरा  भारत महान ) जेसे नारा लगा ने वाले हमरे देश के नेता और हमारे देश की सरकारी   संचालित संस्थाए, 2010 के होकी के विश्व कप से हमको वंचित करवा देते, और हमारी बदकिस्मती यह होती के हमारा देश ही इस विश्व कप का मेज़बान होता,  अब क्यों की खिलाड़ी तो कमर कस चुके थे के पेसे नहीं मिलेंगे तो हम खेलंगे नहीं....वोह भी बेचारे क्या करें, क्रिकेट  के खिलाडियों की तरह तोह इन  राष्ट्रीय खिलाड़िओं को इज्ज़त दी नहीं जाती है, जब के य़ेह उस खेल के खिलाड़ी हैं जिसको हमरे देश ने राष्ट्रीय खेल की इज्ज़त बक्श राखी है, ( यह अलग बात है की वोह सिर्फ नाम की है ) ....वेसे हमारी सर्कार को सहारा समूह का धन्येवाद देना चाहिए की उसने हमरे 1 अरब से जायदा तादाद वाले  हमरे  ( मेरा भारत महान ) की इज्ज़त रख ली.